Thursday, October 23, 2008

For the Grace of God....

The Heart of My Ocean

You are the heart of my ocean
Your very existence keeps me alive
Nothing else around me seems to matter
I’m holding on to this feeling – so fearful of letting go

Time seems so endless and yet I know the clock is ticking
The waves cover me – the water pounding against my face
The pain continues, relentless in the effort to arouse me
Vivid memories rip at the very core of my existence
Why can’t I forget?

Then I reach down – deep into my heart
I’m reminded of you again
Nothing can hurt me anymore
For I have given more than I have left
And that which remains is all that I have.

You are the heart of my ocean
When the sun sets and the ocean grows calm
And you lie down to rest
I will close my eyes and rest with you
For all that matters will be no more
Why? You are the heart of my ocean.


B.J. Tierney
December 31, 2001

Written for

“Rose” who wears “Big Shoes”
The powerful "Grace" in My Life
Re-dedicated this October 23, 2008

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