Friday, August 29, 2008

"Ripe For the Picking"

Last night while standing outside the MSNBC studios, waiting to hear what Barack Obama would tell the world, so many thoughts ran through my head. I thought to myself, my dream of realizing a woman President is possible in the United States of America had just been taken away and Hillary Clinton surrendered defeat on the day women earned the right to vote with the passing of the 19th amendment 88 years ago, August 26th. I thought about how the DNC had pulled on my heart strings and I was angry.

Then comes Al Gore, to give a heartfelt endorsement for Barack Obama. Still nothing was going to move me -- move mountains he said - then told us to move mountains! As I repeated the phrase, "Mountain move" over and over again, I thought about Senator Clinton and how she moved mountains, how much she inspired me and with every ounce of my breath, I kept realizing the only one I wanted to move mountains for America was Senator Clinton. Then I began thinking about her speech and how she asked us to turn our support to Barack Obama. How can I do this I thought? He has spoken with no substance for the entire campaign and I can't just offer my support to another politician with empty promises.

I convinced myself that I needed substance - I needed to hear from Barack Obama what he would do to get us out of this economic crisis, what he would do to restore diplomacy in our country, what he would do for the working class in our country and most of all, what he would do for our veterans, especially those who are homeless and helpless because of the failed Bush policies. I convinced myself that I would stand with an open mind and open heart and toss away my internal anger over Senator Clinton not being selected as the Presidential nominee for our country, let alone being selected as Barack Obama's VP running mate. I have always said that his not selecting Senator Clinton would be his biggest mistake of his campaign along with not visiting our wounded warriors while in Europe.

Suddenly, I'm standing next to two Republicans and Chris Matthews decides to come down off the set to interview them. He wanted to understand why people would vote Republican and one of the women he interviewed was a die-hard Hillary Clinton fan. She was wearing one of Senator Clinton's pins. Prior to the interview, I had been talking to the Hillary Clinton supporter and she was indicating that the way the caucuses were controlled was her greatest disappointment. She spoke of unfair practices during the campaign and indicated that the only reason Senator Obama won was because his supporters were unethical in the way they handled the process. I said, "say that on national television." She looked concerned and I said, "are you a PUMA" to which she responded, "no, I am not that radical." "If you believe that the process was flawed, then you must say that on national television," I said.

They completed the interview and as Chris Matthews moved down the line, looking for other Republicans in the crowd, I couldn't help listen to the one true "Republican" gentleman who turned to me and said, "Senator McCain will release the name of his VP select an hour before the news media gets it, then will pass it to the Press. It may very well be, Governor Palin from Alaska or Kay Bailey Hutchinson." Much to my surprise, I said, "Who is Governor Palin?" He replied, "the Governor from Alaska." He followed by saying, "it's the right choice because Hillary Clinton supporters are 'ripe for the picking.'"

Ripe for the Picking! Who am I? Am I an apple on a tree? A pepper on a plant? A peanut in the ground? Ripe for the picking! I knew now that I must keep an open mind and listen to the party that I have supported for nearly 35 years, voting for only 1 Republican ~ and that was my first vote so I'm allowed to make one mistake.

Ripe for the Picking! This morning, I just heard the announcement that John McCain has picked Governor Palin, a female Governor from Alaska to be his running mate. A Pro-Life supporter, mother of 5 with one newborn child who has Downs Syndrome and another going off to Iraq on September 11th, serving in the Army. You did it right, John McCain. You showed you're a Maverick -- but I am "NOT RIPE FOR THE PICKING" - NOT NOW, NOT EVER, NO WAY.

After listening to Barack Obama set forth at least 29 specifics last night and being so moved, not by his orator skills but my his simple message - I have decided to cast my vote for Barack Obama in November. I am not a faucet to be turned on and off -- my heart strings pulled one way then another -- and most especially, I am NOT RIPE FOR THE PICKING OF REPUBLICAN party that has become so desperate to win!

I would have loved nothing more than to have Barack Obama select Hillary Clinton for his VP because GOD knows, she deserved it and she is a leader among all leaders -- but I will not support 4 more years of failed politics of the Bush Administration. As Barack Obama stated - I'm not willing to bet 10% on change by voting for John McCain.

Ripe for the Picking -- I may have grown tomatoes on a farm in rural South Windsor, Connecticut as a young child and through my high school years -- but the one thing I know for sure ~ I am NOT RIPE FOR THE PICKING...for anyone and while I want change for our country and I would love to see a woman on the ticket, I am going to set aside my disappointment and I am going to do what is best for our country and vote for Senator Obama. I would encourage anyone who supports the Democratic Party and the message they have to send, despite the inefficiencies that occurred during the election, to cast a vote for Senator Obama. We need change ~ desperately in our country and the time is NOW.

With a Heart of Love,

Bonnie Tierney
Author & Veteran

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Dream Was Not Realized

Everyone has a dream and it's taken me a few short days to realize my dream of seeing the First Women President in my lifetime may have just been defeated on the 88th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage. How ironic that Senator Hillary Clinton should lose her dream too!

Was that a slap in the face to women around the world or what? Was I awake or sleeping? How could any woman stand up in front of the world on August 26th of all dates and admit defeat? Who the hell picked that date anyway? Only one person with such strength, such dignity, such vision for the world could do it -- Senator Clinton.

I'm not a faucet that can be turned on or off at the touch of a hand. This year, the DNC has been the greatest disappointment in my lifetime. If Hillary Clinton did anything on Tuesday night, it was to convince me that she was more Presidential than ever before and that she should have been the nominee for the Democratic party. People say "get over it" - move on, move forward and get on board. It's not that easy because Senator Obama has not yet convinced me that he is the man to lead our country.

Tonight in Denver, in my home state, history will be made at the Mile High Stadium that has been turned into the Roman Forum. "Caesar Obama" will be crowned "King" and yes, on the 45th? Anniversary of the day that Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech, "Caesar Obama" will have the opportunity to fulfill that dream. Who picked that date?

Am I sleeping or is it a dream -- did women just get the proverbial shaft once again? 200 plus years and we still can't break that glass ceiling even with 18 million cracks in it. The "dream team" won't exist because "Caesar Obama" was too afraid to have a "Clinton" in the White House. Did you see what I saw on television the other night?

Did you see "Michelle Obama" grit her teeth when Hillary Clinton was speaking? Was I the only one to see her eyes? Someone please review every bit of the clips on Michelle Obama. The nonverbal communication was so obvious that I know now who was behind not choosing Senator Clinton as the VP for "Caesar Obama."

You see, it's the same reasons women in the military were kept out of the Missile silos for so many years. The wives were afraid to have their husbands serve underground with women. Senator Clinton lost this race because women failed to stand up for her -- even Oprah chose race over gender.

My dream was not realized on the eve of Women's Suffrage. How much more must we suffer before we too, can realize our dreams?